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محادثات مجتمع أطلس

ابحث عن محادثات مجتمع أطلس على تطبيق البودكاست المفضل لديك للاستماع في أي وقت وفي أي مكان.

Robert Tracinski - Pathological Altruism and the Age of Trauma

August 16, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski when he discusses the question: “Has everything become defined by victimhood and ‘trauma’ and why?”

Jason Hill - The Nature of Political Happiness

August 12, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Professor Jason Hill for a discussion on the nature of political happiness.

La Atlas Society pregunta a Barbara Oakley

August 10, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 116th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Engineering Professor Barbara Oakley about her work in the field of cognition and learning. Oakley's rather distinguished academic career belies a life of adventure in which she has worked as a translator on Soviet trawlers, a radio operator at the South Pole Station in Antarctica, a teacher in China, and an Army officer in Germany. She has written books like "Uncommon Sense Teaching" and "Mindshift," but has also explored spheres of ethics with her books "Pathological Altruism" and "Evil Genes." Listen as Barbara Oakley explains a controversial perspective on Ayn Rand's genius that is worth debating.

Robert Tracinski - Objectivism and Futurism

August 9, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski as he explores the questions: What is “futurism,” and what does philosophy have to tell us about what kind of future is possible?

Richard Salsman - Ask Me Anything - August 2022

August 4, 2022
Join Dr. Salsman for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he takes questions on Objectivism, monetary policy, politics, etc.

La Atlas Society pregunta a Jeremy S. Adams

August 3, 2022
Join our CEO, Jennifer Grossman, as she talks with Professor Jeremy S. Adams about his new book "Hollowed Out: A Warning about America's Next Generation" and its warning about the current rejection of wisdom, culture, and institutions of Western Civilization by students, along with what we can do to win them back.

Robert Tracinski - The Lessons of Sri Lanka

August 2, 2022
Join our Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion on the events in Sri Lanka and what can be learned from it: "The economic collapse and political upheaval in Sri Lanka offers lessons about the dangers of both utopian environmentalism and populist authoritarianism."

Richard Salsman - Ask Me Anything About Objectivism

29 de julio de 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he will be taking your questions on Objectivism.

Por qué los MBA no son procapitalistas con el Dr. Richard Salsman

29 de julio de 2022
Está muy extendida la falsa creencia de que los capitalistas económico-financieros son necesariamente ideológicamente procapitalistas. ¿Por qué? A estas alturas, los directores generales "despiertos" son ampliamente reconocidos (y aclamados) por ser anticapitalistas, incluso por violar sus deberes fiduciarios para con los accionistas. El título de "máster en administración de empresas" (MBA), que figura en el currículum de un tercio de los CEO de Fortune 500, es una de las principales causas de la tendencia de los CEO "despiertos". En sesiones anteriores hemos analizado la naturaleza fascista del modelo de gobierno corporativo de los "accionistas"; en esta sesión discutiremos cómo y por qué los programas MBA predican ésta y otras ideas que erosionan el capitalismo.

David Kelley - What is Open Objectivism?

July 28, 2022
Join our founder, David Kelley, Ph.D for a special discussion in which Dr. Kelley defines Open Objectivism and how it differs from Closed Objectivism in several important respects.

Becarios preguntan a becarios: Richard Salsman entrevista a Jason Hill

July 27, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy at Duke, Richard Salsman, Ph.D as he sits down for an interview with fellow Senior Scholar, Jason Hill, Ph.D, Professor of Philosophy at Depaul. Listen as they discuss how Professor Hill discovered Ayn Rand as a teenager in Jamaica, his observations on trends over decades of teaching at a college level, and about his most recent books, including "We Have Overcome: An Immigrant’s Letter to the American People" and "What Do White Americans Owe Black People: Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression."

Robert Tracinski - The Genghis Khan Problem

July 26, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion in which he seeks to address: "In a morality of self-interest, why wouldn’t Genghis Khan be the ideal? Why not be a criminal, a dictator, or a conqueror? Why would rational self-interest lead to an orderly and secure society?"

Jason Hill - Allegory, Propaganda and Didacticism in Ayn Rand's Novels Part 2

July 22, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Jason Hill for part 2 of a special two-part discussion of certain themes in Ayn Rand’s novels.

La Atlas Society pregunta a Robert Anthony Peters

July 20, 2022
Inspired by the iconic image of a man blocking tanks in Tiananmen Square in 1989, Robert Anthony Peters produced the short film Tank Man. As the Vice-Chairman of the Fully Informed Jury Association Robert works to educate people about jurors’ rights and responsibility to exercise jury nullification.

Robert Tracinski - Ask Me Anything - July 2022

July 19, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special “Ask Me Anything” where he fields your questions on Objectivism, foreign policy, politics, culture, and music.

Jason Hill - Allegory, Propaganda and Didacticism in Ayn Rand's Novels Part 1

July 15, 2022
Join Senior Scholar Dr. Jason Hill for part 1 of a special two-part discussion of certain themes in Ayn Rand’s novels.

Robert Tracinski - Post-Scarcity Economics Is Not What You Think It Is

July 12, 2022
Join Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a discussion in which he seeks to address: What does "scarcity" actually mean in economics, and would an economy with greater abundance make the case for a bigger welfare state—or against it?

La Sociedad Atlas pregunta a Jack Carr

July 12, 2022
Join The Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for a very special 112th episode of The Atlas Society Asks with New York Times Bestselling Author Jack Carr. Listen as they discuss what inspired Jack Carr to write his acclaimed series "The Terminal List" and also his appreciation for Ayn Rand.

La Sociedad Atlas pregunta a Chris Stewart

July 7, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 111th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she sits down with brightbeam CEO Chris Stewart to talk about child welfare and education. Chris Stewart is Chief Executive Officer for brightbeam, an education nonprofit focused on child justice. Stewart’s past roles include CEO for the Wayfinder Foundation, Executive Director of the African American Leadership Forum, and a publicly elected Minneapolis Board of Education member. Stewart defies neat categories—an African American libertarian school-choice activist, father of five and man of deep religious faith who takes equal aim at left-wing and right-wing initiatives to impose one-size-solutions in education.

Richard Salsman - MBAs Against Capitalism

July 7, 2022
Join Senior Scholar and Professor of Political Economy Richard Salsman, Ph.D. for a discussion on the disturbing trend of more and more business school graduates embarking on their corporate careers with a marked hostility to capitalism itself.

La Atlas Society pregunta a James Lindsay

June 30, 2022
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman on the 110th episode of The Atlas Society Asks as she talks with one of the most interesting public intellectuals making waves in today's cultural debate, James Lindsay. He first famously teamed up with Peter Boghossian and Helen Pluckrose to submit some 20 academic hoax papers, with 7 of them getting published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals. His newest book "Race Marxism" explores the origins of Critical Race Theory as a reinvention of Marxism focusing on race instead of class.

نحن نشجع الموضوعية المفتوحة: فلسفة العقل والإنجاز والفردية والحرية.