No existe una postura Objetivista establecida sobre el matrimonio gay per se. Sin embargo, creo que el Objetivismo puede aplicarse a las cuestiones que nos ocupan...
No existe una postura Objetivista establecida sobre el matrimonio gay per se. Sin embargo, creo que el Objetivismo puede aplicarse a las cuestiones que nos ocupan...
Somos seres integrados de mente y cuerpo. En pocas palabras, esto significa que las funciones mentales de una persona son el producto de un órgano (que resulta
Ayn Rand held that charity is not a major virtue. Objectivism holds that how you spend your money is your business. Your ultimate moral aim
Existentialism is not a very unified school of thought. The main existentialists—Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Sartre—disagree
Que tenemos libre albedrío es evidente. Tú elegiste escribir esta pregunta. Es más, fundamentalmente, has elegido pensar en ello. Esto es
El libre mercado puede proporcionar tanta seguridad como un sistema estatista. Y el estatismo es más culpable de la inestabilidad económica que la mayoría de la gente.
Deism is the belief that an omnipotent, eternal, and all-knowing God created reality and set its rules, but that the Deity does not interven
You can find a discussion of one form of "escapism" (fantasy fiction) in my article " The Charms and Enchantments of Fantasy ." Or consider
Happiness is a complex emotion that proceeds from living one’s life with success and intensity. To achieve it, one must correctly identify
El objetivismo considera que las emociones son el resultado y el reflejo de los juicios de valor de un individuo. Nuestras reacciones emocionales ante acontecimientos, personas y o
There is no “official” definition of fundamentalism as it relates to secular groups. The term itself is a little difficult to define. Take..
El objetivismo sostiene que no existe un mundo "sobrenatural". Para saber más sobre esto, consulta nuestras Preguntas y respuestas sobre religión y nuestras Preguntas y respuestas sobre metafísica...
Objectivism holds that productive work is, as Ayn Rand put it, man’s “noblest activity.” Whether one is a janitor or a philosopher, he
En un sentido general, los Objetivistas sostienen que los niños deben ser protegidos legalmente de los abusos y de los extremos de negligencia parental. Hay...
The Atlas Society does not at this time have an official position on the Free State Project. However, I think it is safe to say that the
As they evolved over hundreds of millennia, human beings developed some innate physical desires and psychological predispositions through
The person who said that simply misunderstood Objectivism .In social relations, Objectivism holds that your rational self-interest is best
Ayn Rand was a radical thinker, i.e., one who went to the root of long-standing philosophical problems. She was self-consciously opposed to
El objetivismo no tiene una "doctrina fisicalista estricta". Simplemente sostiene que todo lo que existe existe, tiene identidad y tiene poderes causales
To be objective means to be based on features of reality that can be observed or deduced by anyone. Scientific experiments are objective....