

Ex Machina movie review

As work in robotics and merging man and machine accelerates, we can expect more movies on this theme. Some, like Transcendence, will be

May 12, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
6 Mins
Eggs, Global Warming, and Science

The arguments for man-made global warming remind me of the argument that eating eggs causes heart disease. ..

May 11, 2015
3 Mins
Google's Pony Express & an Objectivist Theory of Video Games

Around midnight on April 14th, 1860, the rider on the first westbound run of the Pony Express clattered into San Francisco, California, on..

May 3, 2015
6 Mins
Baltimore riots as Criminal Culture Writ Large

The rioting in Baltimore represents criminal culture writ large. It is what happens every day on a smaller scale in poor minority...

Apr 30, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
7 Mins
How anti-individualist fallacies prevent us from curing death

A recent Washington Post feature documents the “Tech titans’ latest project: Defy death. “ Peter Thiel, PayPal co-founder and venture....

Apr 22, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
6 Mins
Time Again to Celebrate Human Achievement!

It is again Human Achievement Hour! On March 28, celebrate all that the modern world offers us as a result of the efforts of the human mind!

Mar 27, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
2 Mins
Postmodernism in the classroom

Postmodernism became the leading intellectual movement in the late twentieth century. It has replaced modernism, the philosophy of the

Mar 23, 2015
La sociedad Atlas
3 Mins
Politico Writer Plays Race Card by Calling Millennials Racis

In a Politico article Sean McElwee of Demos argues that, in the words of his title, “ Millennials Are More Racist Than You Think .” In fact

Mar 13, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
4 Mins
Politico Writer Plays Race Card by Calling Millennials Racist

Using Pew data, McElwee acknowledges that Millennials [those born after 1980] “are indeed less likely than baby boomers to say that more....

Mar 13, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
4 Mins
Google, Entrepreneurs, and Living 500 Years

A Bloomberg Markets piece on “Google Ventures and the Search for Immortality” documents how the billions of dollars Maris invests each year.

Mar 12, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
4 Mins
Marsha Enright and the Great Connections Seminars

Colleges do a pretty good job of teaching calculus and the Krebs Cycle. They know how to test what you’ve learned. They grant diplomas

Mar 4, 2015
4 Mins
Poverty Rhetoric, Obama, and SNAP

A lot of Americans are. And their ignorance feeds common fictional narratives about poverty in America.For most Americans, the cure for

Mar 4, 2015
4 Mins
Toward An Objectivist Feminism

Objectivism has the potential for a dynamic relationship with feminism, which can ground, challenge, and ultimately sharpen each school’s

Feb 17, 2015
2 Mins
Leftist Delusions, Honduras and Alleged Freedom Failures

LaSusa tells us that stating with a military coup in 2009 Honduras has had a succession of governments that have sought the “privatization

Feb 6, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
6 Mins
Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2015

The anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp is now marked as Holocaust Remembrance Day .The Jewish survivors who.....

Jan 27, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
3 Mins
Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2015

The anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz deathSurvivors of Auschwitz camp is now marked as Holocaust Remembrance Day .

Jan 27, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
3 Mins
Holocaust Remembrance Day, 2015

The anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz deathSurvivors of Auschwitz camp is now marked as Holocaust Remembrance Day . The Jewish

Jan 27, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
3 Mins
Obama's 2015 State of the Stupid

In his 2015 State of the Union speech, President Obama counted on the American people being too ignorant to see that he was offering the

Jan 22, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
5 Mins
Global Jihad vs Islamic Enlightenment

The murders of French journalists by Islamist jihadists make clear even to the dogmatically self-blinded that the values of the modern world

Jan 9, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
5 Mins
Martin Anderson Remembered

Friends of freedom have lost a friend. Martin Anderson, 78, a Hoover Institution scholar and policy advisor to presidents, has passed away.

Jan 6, 2015
Eduardo Hudgins
4 Mins

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.