La Sociedad Atlas pregunta

Woodrow Wilson: Progressive Hero? with Christopher Cox

March 5, 2025
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 243rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she sits down with author, political historian, attorney, and politician Christopher Cox to discuss his new book, Woodrow Wilson: The Light Withdrawn. The book explores Wilson’s opposition to racial equality and women’s suffrage, highlighting his role in segregating the federal government, resisting the 19th Amendment, and ultimately attempting to preserve Jim Crow restrictions even as women secured the right to vote.

Is the Capitalist Peace Claim True? With Hicks & Salsman

February 26, 2025
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholars Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., and Richard Salsman, Ph.D. for a special webinar discussing the "Capitalist Peace" thesis, where the duo will examine the claim that capitalist societies tend towards peace while authoritarian ones tend towards it, pulling from historical examples and data.

Funding the Future of AI? with Gregg Hill

February 20, 2025
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 241st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she speaks with Gregg Hill, Co-Founder and General Partner of Parkway VC, about his entrepreneurial journey, his views on the future of AI and robotics, and how investment will contribute to developing these emerging technologies.

FDR's War on Individual Rights with David T. Beito

February 5, 2025
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 239th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews David T. Beito, Professor Emeritus at the University of Alabama, about his latest book, "The New Deal’s War on the Bill of Rights: The Untold Story of FDR’s Concentration Camps, Censorship, and Mass Surveillance," which unveils a very different portrait of FDR than the standard orthodoxy found in today’s historical studies.

After 7 October: Israel and the Crisis of Civilization with Brendan O'Neill

January 29, 2025
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 238th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews returning guest Brendan O'Neill about his new book "After the Pogrom: 7 October, Israel and the Crisis of Civilisation."

Declining Islam in the Middle East? with Timur Kuran

January 22, 2025
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 237th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Timur Kuran, Professor of Economics and Political Science and Gorter Family Professor of Islamic Studies at Duke University, about the complex dynamics of societal change, including how historical institutions and modern pressures have shaped the role of Islam in the Middle East.

How The Left Betrayed Girls with Kara Dansky

January 15, 2025
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 236th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, with returning guest and author Kara Dansky to discuss her latest book, "The Reckoning: How the Democrats and the Left Betrayed Women and Girls."

Should Declining Birthrates Freak You Out? with Hannah Cox

January 8, 2025
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 235th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she sits down with BasedPolitics' Hannah Cox to discuss Elon Musk and the red pill gang who constantly sound the alarm over declining birth rates. Listen as the duo answer the question of if this phenomena is really the calamity that those on the right make it out to be?

What is Populism? with Antonella Marty & Richard Salsman

December 23, 2024
Join Atlas Society Senior Scholar Richard Salsman, Ph.D., alongside Senior Fellow Antonella Marty for the 233rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks, in which they explore populism: what it is, why it gains followers, and how it can appear in collectivist movements on both sides of the political spectrum. The duo also discuss Antonella Marty's latest publication How to Spot a Populist: Understanding the Appeal and Dangers of Demagoguery. View Full Transcript Episode Trans

The Disappearing American Farmer? with Brian Reisinger

December 18, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 232nd episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews journalist, rural policy expert, and award-winning writer Brian Reisinger about his new book "Land Rich, Cash Poor" and the story of the disappearing American farmer.

When Big Pharma and Big Government Collide with Naomi Wolf

December 11, 2024
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 231st episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews returning guest, Dr. Naomi Wolf about her latest book, The Pfizer Papers: Pfizer’s Crimes Against Humanity.

How to Live an Extraordinary Life? with Anthony Pompliano

December 4, 2024
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 230th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Anthony Pompliano about his book "How To Live An Extraordinary Life," a compilation of 65 letters drawing on his experience as a soldier, entrepreneur, investor, and founder & CEO of Professional Capital Management, to share the lessons he’s learned along the way.

What is Freedom of Speech? with David Kelley & Robert Tracinski

November 26, 2024
Hot off the heels of The Atlas Society’s newest publication, The Pocket Guide to Free of Speech, we invite you to join David Kelley, Ph.D., and Rob Tracinski for a special webinar discussing freedom of speech, its basic principles, its implementation in the U.S. Constitution, and how it is perceived today.

What's Up with Wikipedia? with Ashley Rindsberg

November 20, 2024
Join Atlas Society CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 228th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews author, essayist, and journalist Ashley Rindsberg about his recent article in "The Free Press" concerning how Wikipedia devolved from a formerly objective online encyclopedia to what he describes as a partisan project, where a handful of editors are reshaping history before our eyes.

¿La envidia alimenta el antisionismo? con George Gilder

November 13, 2024
Únase a la directora ejecutiva de la Sociedad Atlas, Jennifer Grossman, en el episodio 227 de The Atlas Society Asks, donde entrevista al autor George Gilder sobre su reciente libro «La prueba de Israel: cómo el genio de Israel enriquece y desafía al mundo», en el que explora el impresionante ascenso de Israel como potencia capitalista y tecnológica mundial y argumenta que el antagonismo generalizado hacia el estado actual de Israel proviene, como el antisemitismo en todas partes, de la envidia por logros superiores.

¿Qué hace que los misterios sean grandes? con Otto Penzler

October 30, 2024
Únase a la directora ejecutiva de Atlas Society, Jennifer Grossman, en el episodio 226 de The Atlas Society Asks, donde entrevista a Otto Penzler, propietario de The Mysterious Bookshop en la ciudad de Nueva York y considerado una de las principales autoridades mundiales en crimen, misterio y ficción de suspenso.

Girls Gone Woke - ¿Por qué? con Elaine Kamarck

October 23, 2024
Únase a la directora ejecutiva de Atlas Society, Jennifer Grossman, en el episodio 225 de The Atlas Society Asks, donde entrevista a Elaine Kamarck. Kamarck, investigadora principal en Estudios de Gobernanza y directora del Centro para una Gestión Pública Efectiva de Brookings, se une a JAG para hablar sobre su trabajo en la política electoral y su reciente artículo sobre la creciente brecha de género entre los jóvenes, y explora el impacto que esto tendrá en la política, las relaciones y la cultura.

¿Qué es la Declaración de Filadelfia? con Hicks y Kelley

October 16, 2024
Únase al fundador y académico principal de Atlas Society, David Kelley, Ph.D., junto con el académico principal y profesor de filosofía en Rockford Stephen Hicks, Ph.D., en un seminario web especial sobre una nueva iniciativa para unificar a los defensores de la libertad en todo el espectro religioso laico para forjar una causa común contra los enemigos comunes: el colectivismo, el irracionalismo y el autoritarismo.

¿Quién era Ayn Rand? con Alexandra Popoff

October 9, 2024
Los habituales disfrutaron de entrevistas anteriores con las biógrafas de Rand Anne Heller y Jennifer Burns, así que, naturalmente, no podíamos dejar pasar la oportunidad de entrevistar a la autora de la última incorporación a este género con Ayn Rand: Writing a Gospel of Success, de Alexandra Popoff. Popoff comenzó su carrera como periodista trabajando en Moscú, más tarde emigró a Canadá, donde dio clases de literatura rusa, y es la galardonada autora de biografías literarias como Sophia Tolstoi (2010), Las esposas: las mujeres detrás de los gigantes literarios de Rusia (2012), El falso discípulo de Tolstoi: la historia no contada de Leo Tolstoi y Vladimir Chertkov (2014) y Vasily Grossman y el siglo soviético (2019).

¿Por qué tomamos malas decisiones? con Todd Rose

October 3, 2024
Únase a la directora ejecutiva Jennifer Grossman en el episodio 222 de The Atlas Society Asks, donde entrevista a Todd Rose sobre su reciente libro «Ilusiones colectivas: conformidad, complicidad y la ciencia de por qué tomamos malas decisiones», que se basa en investigaciones de vanguardia en neurociencia y psicología social, y el aclamado autor demuestra que gran parte de nuestro pensamiento se basa en suposiciones falsas, lo que nos hace sentir peligrosamente desconfiados como sociedad e innecesariamente infelices como individuos.

Promovemos el objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.