Historia de la Filosofía

Historia de la Filosofía

Nietzsche y los judíos, el judaísmo y el antisemitismo

Me gustaría comenzar señalando ciertos hechos sobre la vida de Nietzsche. Aunque Nietzsche hizo algunas afirmaciones generales en apoyo de.....

8 de marzo de 2011
Michal Fram Cohen
5 minutos
Nihilismo y conexiones con el nazismo

In this essay, I explore Nietzsche’s position that nihilism is the result of the absolutism of the Judeo-Christian values after the.....

8 de marzo de 2011
D.J. Glombowski
6 minutos
Some Points of Agreement Between Ayn Rand and Nietzsche

Kevin Hill writes: “Given Nietzsche’s elusiveness and suggestiveness, I think that trying to understand Nietzsche in terms of a list of

8 de marzo de 2011
David L. Potts
5 minutos
Epítome de Voluntad de Poder, Libro 3, Parte I

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ."...

8 de marzo de 2011
David L. Potts
5 minutos
Friedrich Nietzsche's Genealogy of Morals 2nd and 3rd Essays

In this post, I briefly note some of the more interesting points that struck my notice in the second and third essays of The Genealogy of

8 de marzo de 2011
David L. Potts
2 minutos
Response by William Thomas

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ." I was glad to see Eyal

8 de marzo de 2011
4 minutos
Metafísica y epistemología de Nietzsche

No es tarea fácil intentar comprender cuáles son los puntos de vista de Nietzsche sobre la metafísica y la epistemología. Más allá de superar la manera de Nietzsche...

8 de marzo de 2011
Shawn E. Klein
5 minutos
Nietzsche's Influence on Jewish Writers

I think the ongoing debate on the CyberSeminar about whether Nietzsche was anti-Semitic, whether his writings fueled the rise of National

8 de marzo de 2011
Michal Fram Cohen
3 minutos
Debate sobre "Bestias rubias"

Este comentario forma parte del "Ciberseminario" en línea del año 2000 de The Atlas Society titulado " Nietzsche y el Objetivismo ...

8 de marzo de 2011
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
8 minutos
Nobility, Civilization, and Breeding

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ."..

8 de marzo de 2011
David L. Potts
Master and Slave

I attempt to explore Nietzsche’s procedure of genealogy and his concepts of master and slave morality, relating them wherever possible to...

Mar 7, 2011
Jason Ticknor-Schwob
10 minutos
Birds of Prey: Freedom of the Will and the Value of Genealogy

I will be addressing two issues in this review essay: freedom of the will and the value of genealogy...

Mar 7, 2011
Diana Hsieh
6 minutos
¿Cree Nietzsche en la moral?

All of the reviewers/commentators so far have taken for granted that Nietzsche upholds, or seeks to find, a moral code which he would accept

Mar 7, 2011
David L. Potts
10 minutos
Respuesta de Chris Sciabarra

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ." ...

5 de marzo de 2011
Chris Matthew Sciabarra
4 minutos
Nietzsche y Ayn Rand

Este comentario forma parte del "Ciberseminario" en línea del año 2000 de The Atlas Society titulado "Nietzsche y el Objetivismo". ....

5 de marzo de 2011
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
7 minutos
On Human Nature and Values

This commentary is part of The Atlas Society's 2000 online "CyberSeminar" entitled " Nietzsche and Objectivism ." Essays and Comments on

Mar 4, 2011
4 minutos
Respuesta de Michal Fram Cohen

I do not have much to add to Shawn Klein’s fine essay . As a linguist by training, I would like to elaborate more on the issue of language..

Mar 2, 2011
Michal Fram Cohen
4 minutos
Reseña de "¿Solidaridad u objetividad?" y "La contingencia del lenguaje" de Richard Rorty

El ensayo de Richard Rorty "Objetividad o solidaridad" es un estudio de caso sobre el uso de falsas alternativas para obtener beneficios retóricos. El ensayo comienza

1 de marzo de 2011
Will Wilkinson
7 minutos
A Modern Scholasticism: Reflections on Derrida's "Cogito and the History of Madness

My primary assignment in this post is to comment on Jacques Derrida’s lecture “Cogito and the History of Madness.” So, I will begin with...

28 de febrero de 2011
9 minutos
Response by Bryan Register and Others

For Derrida, structuralism is not a 20th century phenomenon but is rather only one instantiation of the history of western metaphysics. At

28 de febrero de 2011
Bryan Register
9 minutos

Promovemos el Objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.