Religión y ateísmo

Religión y ateísmo

Agnosticismo y lo desconocido

Espero que haya leído la respuesta de D. Moskovitz sobre el agnosticismo. Tiene razón: nunca seremos omniscientes. Y

23 de enero de 2011
2 minutos
Faith and Funding: What Is the Root of the Stem Cell Controversy?

September 2001 -- The current debate over federal funding of embryonic stem cell research raises two basic questions: "Is it morally and

Oct 15, 2010
Patrick Stephens & David Kelley
6 minutos
Historia y credo del Islam

January 2002 -- Reprinted by permission of the publisher. From The Role of Religion in History, by George Walsh (New Brunswick, New Jersey:

Oct 13, 2010
George Walsh
10 minutos
Spiritual Values

Objectivists mean by "spiritual values" those values that fulfill the needs of human consciousness. The word "spirit" indeed refers

Sep 30, 2010
2 minutos
El declive de Oriente

March 2002 -- BOOK REVIEW: The Decline of the East What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response. By Bernard Lewis.

Sep 7, 2010
When Is a Fake a Fraud?

May 2002 -- Miss Cleo is in big trouble. In her TV commercials, she offers to tell her callers' fortunes, to divine their problems, and to

Sep 7, 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 minutos
The Battle for Toleration, and its Betrayal

November 2003 -- This is how the story was told: In 1761, a young French Protestant of Toulouse, Marc Antoine Calas, finding his life a

29 de agosto de 2010
Roger Donway
5 minutos
Allah Bless America!

One year after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the FBI arrested six Yemeni immigrants in Lackawanna, New York, for aiding terrorists; the arrest

29 de agosto de 2010
Edward Hudgins
10 minutos
Iron Without, Fire Within

Like any story relying on the fantastic, the superhero film has a test: does the fantastic sharpen and enhance the theme and the conflicts..

Jul 1, 2010
Hugo Schmidt
5 minutos
Darwin Agonistes

I’m never impressed by those studies that come out every so often showing that some large percentage of the American citizenry “does not

Jun 23, 2010
Hugo Schmidt
5 minutos
Fe, razón y buena vida

We are surrounded by examples, from the sublime to the murderous, that illustrate the importance in human life of the systems of belief we

22 de junio de 2010
Kenneth Livingston
10 minutos
¿Es compatible la religión con el objetivismo?

La mayoría de las grandes religiones han creído en la existencia de un reino sobrenatural, un reino más allá del mundo natural de los objetos y cuerpos físicos

14 de junio de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
4 minutos
¿Cuál es la visión objetivista del arte de la magia?

La magia y la ilusión son acciones que pretenden producir efectos que parecen paranormales o imposibles por las leyes de la lógica y la naturaleza que

14 de abril de 2010
Malini Kochhar
2 minutos
The Problems with The Passion of the Christ's Moral Message

March 3, 2004 -- The controversy surrounding Mel Gibson's film The Passion of the Christ reflects a deep divide concerning the moral

4 de abril de 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 minutos
Cienciología, confiscaciones y ciencia

Jett Travolta, the sixteen-year-old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston, died recently of what the autopsy found to be a seizure..

4 de abril de 2010
Edward Hudgins
3 minutos
The Iliad and Islam

June 24, 2004 -- "Sing, oh Goddess, the wrath of Peleus' son Achilles, which brought pains a thousand-fold upon the Achaians." So opens the

4 de abril de 2010
Edward Hudgins
4 minutos
Musulmanes americanos: Limpiar su propia casa

March 28, 2003 -- American Muslims must be feeling despair over the news that Asam Akbar, a sergeant serving in Kuwait and an American

15 de marzo de 2010
Edward Hudgins
5 minutos
The Means and Ends of Islamists

After each new suicide attack, as innocent blood flows in the streets of Baghdad, London, Madrid, or Tel Aviv, there is a surge of

Jul 1, 2005
Edward Hudgins
10 minutos
Islamism and Modernity; Lou Dobbs is Right

CNN’s Lou Dobbs has come in for criticism for saying something sensible and insightful. It is too vague and too politically correct to call

Jun 10, 2002
David Kelley Ph.D
4 minutos
9/11 and The War Against Modernity

Why do they hate us? How could they have done this? What were they trying to achieve?

May 1, 2002
David Kelley Ph.D
10 minutos

Promovemos el Objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.