

Honrando a Ayn Rand: Encuentro con el objetivismo, descubrimiento de mí mismo

I was introduced to Ayn Rand's work in 1984 by Lou Torres, who had founded Aristos, an arts journal informed by her philosophy of art, two

Dec 1, 2004
Michelle Marder Kamhi
3 minutos
Por qué el arte se volvió feo

Durante mucho tiempo, los críticos del arte moderno y posmoderno han recurrido a la estrategia del "Qué asco". Con ello me refiero a la estrategia de ...

1 de septiembre de 2004
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
10 minutos
Rockefeller y los Muckrakers

Just as there is much to celebrate in the life of John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937), so is there much to loathe in the muckrakers' treatment o

Jul 18, 2004
4 minutos
What Unites America? Unity in Individualism!

On July 4th, we celebrate the creation of the United States of America. But today, Americans seem more divided than at any time in recent...

Jun 3, 2004
Edward Hudgins
4 minutos
Muerte por ecologismo

¿Qué significa en la práctica sostener una filosofía que declara que la naturaleza prístina tiene un valor intrínseco en sí misma, y que considera al Hombre...

1 de marzo de 2004
Robert James Bidinotto
10 minutos
El Partido de la Modernidad

As Henry Steele Commager noted in The Empire of Reason: "It was Americans who not only embraced the body of Enlightenment principles, but...

Nov 16, 2003
David Kelley Ph.D
10 minutos
Can There be an "After Socialism"?

Sep 27, 2003
Alan Charles Kors
10 minutos
Cómo se salvó Chile

In 1956, an extraordinary three-year agreement on cooperation was signed by the Department of Economics at the Chicago University and the...

Sep 1, 2003
José Piñera
6 minutos
Is High Self-Esteem Bad for You?

For more than thirty years, promoting the development of higher self-esteem has been a major goal for clinical psychologists and educators..

Jul 21, 2003
Robert Campbell
10 minutos
La filosofía vital de Thomas Jefferson

En Atlas Shrugged, el Dr. Robert Stadler considera "escandaloso" que un genio como John Galt haya "realizado una gran revolución en...

1 de abril de 2003
Robert James Bidinotto
4 minutos
Por un museo del capitalismo

There are museums of art, science, and natural history in major cities throughout the world. New York City alone has dozens of art museums,

Jan 6, 2003
David Kelley Ph.D
5 minutos
Islamism and Modernity; Lou Dobbs is Right

CNN’s Lou Dobbs has come in for criticism for saying something sensible and insightful. It is too vague and too politically correct to call

Jun 10, 2002
David Kelley Ph.D
4 minutos
9/11 and The War Against Modernity

Why do they hate us? How could they have done this? What were they trying to achieve?

May 1, 2002
David Kelley Ph.D
10 minutos
De la Ruta de la Seda al World Trade Center

Two millennia before the World Trade Center soared over the New York skyline, another creation of commerce served the same purpose of peace

Nov 1, 2001
Neera K. Badhwar
4 minutos
Mean Genes

BOOK REVIEW: Mean Genes: From Sex to Money to Food, Taming Our Primal Instincts. By Terry Burnham and Jay Phelan. (New York: Perseus Book

Oct 14, 2001
D. Moskovitz
10 minutos
Desarme moral unilateral

Al despertar la mañana del 11 de septiembre de 2001, los estadounidenses estábamos orgullosos, felices y confiados. Nos sabíamos la única superpotencia...

Oct 1, 2001
Robert James Bidinotto
9 minutos
El asalto a la civilización

Most of us still find it impossible to grasp the destruction of the World Trade Center. It was real, we saw it, but it does not belong in...

Sep 13, 2001
David Kelley Ph.D
4 minutos
¿Es moral la homosexualidad?

While Ayn Rand did consider homosexuality to be immoral, this was only her personal view. The morality of homosexuality is not a philosophic

Jun 29, 2001
D. Moskovitz
4 minutos
Objectivist Ethics in an Information-Age Economy

Some years ago, I wrote that we had reached a moment in history when self-esteem, which had always been a supremely important psychological

Feb 1, 2001
Nathaniel Branden
10 minutos
Ateísmo, agnosticismo y arbitrariedad

Objectivism holds that in order to obtain knowledge, man must use an objective process of thought. The essence of objective thought is....

Jan 23, 2001
D. Moskovitz
4 minutos

Promovemos el Objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.