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How to Pronounce Ayn Rand?

How to Pronounce Ayn Rand?

March 18, 2024

How to Pronounce Ayn Rand?  

How to pronounce A-Y-N R-A-N-D?

Ayn -- like SHINE.  Like FINE WINE grown on the VINE.  Ayn like SPINE, stiff and straight as a PINE.

Ayn Rand -- not “Ann” Rand -- Ayn, like MINE.

Now that you can pronounce her name, what was Ayn Rand all about? 

For further reading, check out these related articles:

1 My Name is Ayn Rand (Draw My Life Video)

2 Philosophy on One Foot

3 Ayn Rand's Works

4 Date the Atlas, Not the Shrug

About the author:
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