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Dispatches from Armenia

Dispatches from Armenia

3 minutos
January 24, 2011

January 24. 2010 -- Beginning this week, we will be publishing daily dispatches from two TNI freelance journalists "in the field" in Armenia . They are there to cover, for the next issue of TNI, a Liberty Camp being held in Yerevan, Armenia.

Liberty Camps, organized by the Language of Liberty Institute , are held in resort settings overseas, and commonly draw young people eager to learn more about the English language and concepts of liberty. Instructors at the "camps" explore "—in English—classical liberal works in philosophy and economics, and how to apply and spread these ideas (e.g., starting a business, publishing books, giving presentations, political activism)."

TNI will be covering the Liberty Camp in Armenia.

The Institute uses the term "language of liberty" in general to refer "to the words that have inspired freedom fighters everywhere throughout history. Examples are works by Bastiat, von Mises, Hayek, Jefferson, Friedman, and Ayn Rand ." They add that "Today, the English language is also the language of liberty: if you know English, you have more opportunities in life, thus more freedom. All our programs are conducted in English."

The two journalists who will be sending us their dispatches are two of the most talented up-and-coming journalists in the United States—Sarah Perry (pictured at right) and Danny Fulgencio (pictured below), both graduates of the Mayborn School of Journalism at the University of North Texas. These two individuals have used their liberty to pursue opportunties that bring them lasting personal satisfaction.

Perry's specialty is narrative non-fiction. Her first articles for The New Individualist will appear in the Spring 2011 issue. She's already racked up some impressive accomplishments, including becoming the first biography fellow at the Mayborn, and being published in the Washington Post, Dallas Morning News, The Seattle Times, and the San Francisco Chronicle (among other publications.) Before flying to Armenia on Sunday, Perry had been in New York City covering two stories for TNI.

"I like writing for TNI because it's this great niche publication that has a broader message...," Perry says. "The entrepreneurial spirit is an awesome thing to write about and explore."

Danny Fulgencio is already making a name for himself as a photojournalism whiz and a consummate narrative non-fiction writer. Danny will be documenting the Liberty Camp in photos and in a multi-media piece to be published on our website. You can catch his first contribution to TNI, "The Eccentric Entrepreneur", in the current issue (due in mailboxes soon).

What is Fulgencio proud of? "Perhaps I'm more thankful than proud," says Danny, "but having gone from being a surly bartender to husband and working journalist is a tremendous accomplishment."

"Finding your path is a good thing," he adds. "I'm one of the lucky ones. That said, I still make a mean margarita."

Photo credits: Perry and Fulgencio, by Danny Fulgencio.

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