Economía / Empresa / Finanzas

Economía / Empresa / Finanzas

Milton Friedman: 1912-2006

November 16, 2006 -- Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman passed away on November 16, 2006 at the age of 94. Friedman was one of

10 de junio de 2011
Edward Hudgins
2 minutos
Milton Friedman: 1912-2006

Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman passed away on November 16, 2006 at the age of 94. Friedman was one of the most influential...

10 de junio de 2011
Edward Hudgins
4 minutos
The Credit Crisis and Moral Hazards

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) has staffed-up in anticipation of hundreds of bank failures. Major investment banks are on

9 de junio de 2011
Eugene C. Holloway
10 minutos
El triunfo del Leviatán

October 1, 2003 -- Communism is dead; long live capitalism. Surely there is some truth to this claim, as even diehard advocates of communism

31 de mayo de 2011
Herbert Londres
4 minutos
Myth: Ayn Rand was Simply Pro-Wealthy and Pro-Business

Ayn Rand supported a laissez-faire capitalist economic system and defended the morality of making a profit through private business.

4 de mayo de 2011
William Thomas
5 minutos
Book Review: Toward Heroic Capitalism

In 1859, the first treatise on “best practices” appeared: Self-Help, With Illustrations of Character, Conduct, and Perseverance, by Samuel

25 mar 2011
Robert L. Bradley, Jr
5 minutos
Free Trade and the Poor

Objectivism holds that each person should be responsible for himself, and be free to live as he judges best. This doesn't preclude charity..

25 de febrero de 2011
2 minutos
Capitalismo de laissez-faire

Ayn Rand sostenía la necesidad de un gobierno que mantuviera sus "manos fuera" de la vida privada de sus ciudadanos, mientras que al mismo tiempo......

26 de enero de 2011
Malini Kochhar
2 minutos
Production of Bads Not Goods

In a society that is basically Objectivist in its beliefs and laws, the only actions that would be illegal would be those that impose harm o

26 de enero de 2011
4 minutos
Divulgación de información en el marco del Laissez-Faire

Under laissez-faire capitalism, I doubt that there would be any blanket legal duty to reveal information that would harm one’s business....

26 de enero de 2011
3 minutos
Laissez-Faire Capitalism and Workers' Rights

Workers' pay in the laissez-faire era of the19th century rose steadily with the innovations that increased productivity and lowered prices..

26 de enero de 2011
2 minutos
Externalidades y el problema del beneficiario sin contrapartida

Según L.H. Rockwell, Jr. (fundador y presidente del Instituto Ludwig von Mises) las externalidades pueden ser subjetivas, ya que los costes y....

25 de enero de 2011
Malini Kochhar
3 minutos
Game Theory and Objectivism

As such, Nash's contributions to non-cooperative game theory were a major breakthrough in the formal analysis of strategic interaction...

25 de enero de 2011
2 minutos
¿Seguridad financiera en una sociedad de libre mercado?

El libre mercado puede proporcionar tanta seguridad como un sistema estatista. Y el estatismo es más culpable de la inestabilidad económica que la mayoría de la gente.

25 de enero de 2011
6 minutos
El Tea Party al pie de la letra

Algunos de los valores que animaron a la generación anterior -independencia, prudencia y autodisciplina- parecen escasear. .....

28 de diciembre de 2010
Bradley Doucet
10 minutos
Una forma mejor de gestionar un ferrocarril

Mayo de 1998 -- En 1987, varios ejecutivos ferroviarios creyeron que había una forma mejor de gestionar un ferrocarril. Tras encontrar la oportunidad de adquirir

Dec 1, 2010
Frank Bryan
8 minutos
La cultura del déficit en Estados Unidos

We’ve heard for years that the government’s deficit was too big. They said it of Reagan’s deficit and George W. Bush’s. But no government...

Dec 1, 2010
9 minutos
La riqueza y la salud social de Estados Unidos

June 2001 -- [BOOK REVIEW] It's Getting Better All the Time: 100 Greatest Trends of the Last 100 Years. By Stephen Moore and Julian Simon

Oct 19, 2010
Herbert Grubel
10 minutos
The Essence of Hayek

Part of the Hoover Institution's "essence" series on great twentieth-century economists, The Essence of Hayek is designed for the student of

18 de octubre de 2010
Donald Cooper
2 minutos
Unemployment and Free Labor Markets

I am sorry that, living in Argentina as you do, you have suffered through a terrible economic collapse. But you were not living in anything

Sep 30, 2010
2 minutos

Promovemos el Objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.