

The Problem With "Selfishness"

Atlas Summit 2012 -- In her book, The Virtue of Selfishness, Ayn Rand exhorted readers to put the word "selfishness" to its true and proper

Dec 13, 2012
Marsha Enright
1 minuto
Yes, Mr. President, Ayn Rand Is for Teens -- and Everyone Else

Ayn Rand is one of those things that a lot of us, when we were 17 or 18 and feeling misunderstood, we’d pick up. Then, as we get older, we..

Oct 26, 2012
Alexander R. Cohen
4 minutos
Por qué el hombre necesita el arte

En general, se considera que el arte es indefinible, inherentemente subjetivo y desconectado de cualquier necesidad o preocupación práctica. Muchos pensadores modernos

25 de enero de 2012
David Kelley Ph.D
7 minutos
A Humanist Ethics of Pride

BOOK REVIEW : Richard Taylor, Restoring Pride: The Lost Virtue of Our Age (Amherst, New York: Prometheus Press, 1996)

25 de enero de 2012
5 minutos
Mito: Ayn Rand era elitista

Los héroes de la ficción de Ayn Rand son grandes triunfadores, como Howard Roark, el arquitecto superlativo de El manantial, y John Galt, el b

19 de diciembre de 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
5 minutos
Puedo y quiero

Este consejo enjundioso, que suele atribuirse a Henry Ford, expresa uno de los temas más frecuentes en la vasta literatura de superación personal...

1 de septiembre de 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
10 minutos
Pride: Living as a Self-Made Soul

In this webinar, recorded on June 29, 2011, William R Thomas discusses pride as "the first and last of the virtues." Pride connects

Aug 29, 2011
2 minutos
La importancia de las listas negras

August 30, 2002 -- Objectivism distinguishes between errors of ignorance and errors of morality, and libertarianism distinguishes between

30 de mayo de 2011
8 minutos
The Virtue of Rationality

Are you rational? Or do you yield often to vices such as emotionalism, bias, and dogmatism? On October 21st, 2010, William R Thomas lead an

May 16, 2011
1 Mins
Justice: Treating Others Objectively

Judge others, and prepare to be judged. We live in society, but how can we deal with others in a way that promotes rational, productive

May 16, 2011
2 minutos
Mito: Ayn Rand estaba a favor del egoísmo perro-come-perro

Many people still think Ayn Rand advocated a take-what-you-want-and-damn-everyone-else kind of selfishness.

2 de mayo de 2011
William Thomas
4 minutos
La búsqueda de la felicidad

This program addresses Rand's conception of happiness as an end in itself, including differences in her formulations of that end...

13 de abril de 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
2 minutos
Reason vs. Anti-Reason

Este programa de audio aborda la concepción de Rand de la felicidad como un fin en sí mismo, incluyendo las diferencias en sus formulaciones de ese fin...

13 de abril de 2011
William Thomas
2 minutos
Trade vs. Power

This program addresses Rand's conception of happiness as an end in itself, including differences in her formulations of that end...

13 de abril de 2011
David Kelley Ph.D
2 minutos
Escépticos y humanistas: ¿Aliados o enemigos del individualismo?

This past January, hundreds of skeptics and humanists gathered at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas for a three-day conference on “Science in

25 mar 2011
Edward Hudgins
10 minutos
No alcanzar la perfección

Tara Smith’s new book, Ayn Rand’s Normative Ethics, is not revolutionary, but it is a thorough and valuable work. Smith’s goal is, first....

24 de marzo de 2011
Shawn E. Klein
7 minutos
Debate sobre "Bestias rubias"

Este comentario forma parte del "Ciberseminario" en línea del año 2000 de The Atlas Society titulado " Nietzsche y el Objetivismo ...

8 de marzo de 2011
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
8 minutos
Immortality and Value

Objectivists would try to employ any technology that reliably allowed them to live longer, fuller lives. It is wonderful and life-affirming

26 de enero de 2011
2 minutos
Production of Bads Not Goods

In a society that is basically Objectivist in its beliefs and laws, the only actions that would be illegal would be those that impose harm o

26 de enero de 2011
4 minutos
Amor, lujuria y la dicotomía mente-cuerpo

Pregunta: ¿Cómo define y clasifica el Objetivismo el deseo sexual y la lujuria? Parece que en realidad no fluyen de las convicciones, sino que

26 de enero de 2011
2 minutos

Promovemos el Objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.