

Government Jobs for Objectivists

Objectivism holds that each person's life is its own moral sanction, and that no one thrives in life except by living as a rational being...

25 de enero de 2011
3 minutos
Feminismo y Objetivismo

El objetivismo es una filosofía individualista. Sostiene que cada persona es un animal racional y que todos los individuos....

25 de enero de 2011
2 minutos

Objectivism holds that there is nothing wrong with charity, so long as one is pursuing one's own values in providing it. As Ayn Rand said...

25 de enero de 2011
3 minutos
Game Theory and Objectivism

As such, Nash's contributions to non-cooperative game theory were a major breakthrough in the formal analysis of strategic interaction...

25 de enero de 2011
2 minutos
Salir con no objetivistas

¿Va en contra de los principios Objetivistas salir con no Objetivistas? En absoluto...

25 de enero de 2011
3 minutos
Charity for 2004 Tsunami Victims

Ayn Rand held that charity is not a major virtue. Objectivism holds that how you spend your money is your business. Your ultimate moral aim

25 de enero de 2011
2 minutos
Collectivism, Freedom, and Happiness

Happiness is a complex emotion that proceeds from living one’s life with success and intensity. To achieve it, one must correctly identify

25 de enero de 2011
Andrew Bissell
2 minutos
Castidad antes del matrimonio

No siempre es correcto ni incorrecto aplazar las relaciones sexuales hasta el matrimonio. Si es correcto o incorrecto para ti es una cuestión personal.

25 de enero de 2011
2 minutos

Question: I would like to know how Objectivism is different from hedonism, at least as far as morality is concerned. They seem very similar

25 de enero de 2011
4 minutos
Benevolencia y autoafirmación

La benevolencia y la tolerancia se consideran parte de la visión objetivista de la ética, aunque no se enuncien explícitamente en......

23 de enero de 2011
Malini Kochhar
2 minutos
Beauty and Moral Judgment

People sometimes speak of a beautiful soul or similarly abstract beautiful qualities, but for the moment let us confine ourselves to beauty

23 de enero de 2011
5 minutos
Juzgar las acciones frente a juzgar a las personas

The distinction between judging actions as evil and judging people as evil is fully discussed in David Kelley's seminal essay Truth and.....

Jan 6, 2011
3 minutos
Anatomía de la cooperación

En el Seminario de Verano 2006 de la Atlas Society pudimos asistir a una serie de excelentes ponencias que abordaron diferentes aspectos...

Jan 5, 2011
Robert James Bidinotto
10 minutos
¿Para qué sirve la moral?

In Viable Values, Tara Smith sets forth an exposition of Ayn Rand's metaethical theory and defends it against competing views regarding the

Oct 22, 2010
Will Wilkinson
10 minutos
Enseñar la virtud en un mundo postmoderno

James Davison Hunter, a professor of sociology and religious studies at the University of Virginia and director of the Institute for

20 de octubre de 2010
10 minutos
Ética de la oferta

Una escritora que sufre depresión clínica encuentra alivio en el Prozac. Al darse cuenta de lo profundamente que el inventor del fármaco ha afectado a su vida....

20 de octubre de 2010
David Kelley Ph.D
Faith and Funding: What Is the Root of the Stem Cell Controversy?

September 2001 -- The current debate over federal funding of embryonic stem cell research raises two basic questions: "Is it morally and

Oct 15, 2010
Patrick Stephens & David Kelley
6 minutos
Virtue of Selfishness

Ayn Rand rejects altruism, the view that self-sacrifice is the moral ideal. She argues that the ultimate moral value, for each human individ

Oct 4, 2010
J. Raibley
4 minutos
J. Raibley

Ayn Rand rejects altruism, the view that self-sacrifice is the moral ideal. She argues that the ultimate moral value, for each human individ

Oct 4, 2010
J. Raibley
4 minutos

Objectivism does not hold that happiness is the ultimate goal. It holds that happiness is the ultimate purpose in life.This is an important

Sep 30, 2010
3 minutos

Promovemos el Objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.