La Sociedad Atlas pregunta

The Atlas Society Asks Larry Elder

May 31, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 154th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews renowned libertarian political commentator and talk-radio host Larry Elder. Listen as they talk about his upcoming book "Ask Goes California: My Mission to Rescue the Golden State and Save the Nation" along with his entry into the 2024 presidential race.

The Atlas Society Asks Lars Tvede

May 24, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 153rd episode of The Atlas Society Asks for a conversation with Swiss-based venture capitalist Lars Tvede about his views on Objectivism, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Don't miss it as they also discuss Tvede's latest book, "From Malthus to Mars: How to Live, Lead, and Learn in an Exponential World."

Art & Aesthetics with Rob Tracinski

May 17, 2023
Join Atlas Society Senior Fellow Robert Tracinski for a special webinar discussion concerning the role and power of art and aesthetics in Objecitivst thinking. Listen as he also discusses music, a subject not extensively covered by Ayn Rand, herself. Previous Episode

The Atlas Society Asks Jean Twenge

May 10, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 151st episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews psychologist Dr. Jean Twenge about her recent book "Generations: The Real Differences Between Gen Z, Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and Silents--and What They Mean for America's Future." Dr. Jean Twenge is a psychologist who researches generational differences, including work values, life goals, and speed of development. She is a professor of psychology at San Diego State University and the author of more than 180 scientific publications and books.

Being An Optimistic American: The Atlas Society Asks Paul Johnson

May 3, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 150th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews CEO and Co-Founder of Redirect Health Paul E. Johnson about his recent book "Addictive Ideologies: Finding Meaning and Agency When Politics Fail You." With a background in business, politics, and government becoming the youngest mayor of Phoenix, Arizona, at 30 years old, Paul has managed several state campaigns for presidential candidates and is the host of "The Optimistic American podcast," which works to create space in the news media for a positive and hopeful view of America.

Philosophy, Creativity, Communication: The Atlas Society Asks Leopold Ajami

April 26, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 149th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Leopold Ajami, a public speaking coach, Creative & Strategic Consultant, and Objectivist. He integrates Philosophy with creativity and communication to help you design your voice above the noise and build a philosophical blueprint to live by. He is the co-host of the Ideas on Trial Podcast and the founder of the Novel Philosophy Academy.

In Defense of the Second Amendment: The Atlas Society Asks Larry Correia

April 19, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 148 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews bestselling author Larry Correia about his new non-fiction book "In Defense of The Second Amendment," which is a must-read for those looking for up-to-date news on the conversation surrounding gun policy and politics.

The Student Debt Trap: The Atlas Society Asks Josh Mitchell

April 12, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 147 episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews journalist Josh Mitchell about his book "The Debt Trap: How Student Loans Became a National Catastrophe." Josh Mitchell is a journalist for The Wall Street Journal who spent fourteen years in the Journal's D.C. bureau, winning the Education Writers Association's 2016 award as the nation's top higher education reporter for his coverage. "The Debt Trap" explores the last seventy years of the student loan industry that would submerge a generation of Americans into $1.5 trillion in student debt.

La Sociedad Atlas pregunta a Gabrielle Bauer

April 5, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 146th episode of The Atlas Society Asks where she interviews Gabrielle Bauer about her book "Blindsight is 2020: Reflections on Covid Policies from Dissident Scientists, Philosophers, Artists, and More." Gabrielle Bauer's health and medical writing has won several national aways and her new publication from the Brownstone Institute profiles dozens of thinkers, bringing fresh and diverse perspectives on the ethical breaches and social upheaval resulting from COVID-19 policies.

The Atlas Society Asks Michael Liebowitz

March 29, 2023
Join CEO Jennifer Grossman for the 145th episode of The Atlas Society Asks, where she interviews prison reform advocate and Objectivist Michael Liebowitz and his book "Down the Rabbit Hole: How the Culture of Corrections Encourages Crime." Michael Liebowitz is an author, prison reform advocate and Objectivist who spent 25 years in prison before turning his life around and dedicating himself to advocating for individual liberty. He is a frequent guest on the Todd Feinburg show and spokesman for the Libertarian Party of Connecticut.

Filosofía de la Historia con Stephen Hicks y Robert Tracinski

15 de marzo de 2023
Únase a The Atlas Society en el 144º episodio de The Atlas Society Asks y en un seminario web especial en el que el Dr. Stephen Hicks y el Dr. Robert Tracinski explicarán las siguientes preguntas: ¿Qué causa el cambio histórico? ¿Cuál es el papel de las ideas, las instituciones del conocimiento o la filosofía?

La Atlas Society pregunta a Marc Morano

8 de marzo de 2023
Únete a Jennifer Grossman en el 143º episodio de La sociedad del Atlas pregunta, donde entrevista al periodista y editor de, Marc Morano. Escuche cómo hablan sobre el cambio climático, el control gubernamental de la información y el último libro de Marc, "The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown", que desvela los orígenes del Great Reset, quién está detrás de él, cómo se está implementando y cómo COVID-19 y la supuesta "emergencia climática" aceleraron su avance en todo el mundo.

La Sociedad Atlas pregunta a Daniel James Brown

1 de marzo de 2023
Únase a la directora ejecutiva Jennifer Grossman en el 142º episodio de La Sociedad Atlas pregunta, donde entrevista al autor y superventas del New York Times Daniel James Brown y su último libro "Facing The Mountain: A True Story of Japanese American Heroes in World War II".

La Atlas Society pregunta a Esther Wojcicki

22 de febrero de 2023
Únase a Jennifer Grossman, Directora General, en el 141º episodio de La sociedad del Atlas pregunta, en el que entrevista a la periodista y educadora Esther Wojcicki. Escuche cómo hablan del desarrollo infantil y de los libros de Wojcicki "How to Raise Successful People" y "Moonshots in Education".

La Sociedad Atlas pregunta

15 de febrero de 2023
Únase a la directora ejecutiva Jennifer Grossman en el 140º episodio de La sociedad Atlas pregunta, donde entrevista al redactor jefe y cofundador de The Dispatch, Jonah Goldberg. Escuche cómo debaten una amplia gama de temas relacionados con el populismo, la corrupción, el nacionalismo, Ayn Rand y su último libro "El suicidio de Occidente".

La Sociedad Atlas pregunta a Wanjiru Njoya

8 de febrero de 2023
Únete a Jennifer Grossman en el 139º episodio de The Atlas Society Asks, en el que entrevista a Wanjiru Njoya, profesora libertaria de la Facultad de Derecho de Exter, sobre su visión de la justicia social desde una perspectiva individualista y procapitalista, tal y como se recoge en su libro "Economic Freedom and Social Justice: The Classical Ideal of Equailty in Context of Racial Diversity".

Ayn Rand y las furias de la libertad: La Sociedad Atlas pregunta a Tim Sandefur

1 de febrero de 2023
Únase a la directora ejecutiva Jennifer Grossman en el 138º episodio de La sociedad Atlas pregunta, en el que entrevista a Tim Sandefur, que vuelve como invitado, sobre su último libro "Freedom's Furies: Cómo Isabel Patterson, Rose Wilder Lane y Ayn Rand encontraron la libertad en una era de oscuridad". Escuche cómo relata la historia de cómo en 1943 las tres publicaron respectivamente "El Dios en la máquina", "El descubrimiento de la libertad" y "El manantial", sentando las bases de lo que se convertiría en el movimiento libertario moderno.

La Atlas Society pregunta a Peter Worrell

25 de enero de 2023
Únase a la directora ejecutiva Jennifer Grossman en el 137º episodio de The Atlas Society Asks, donde entrevista al codirector ejecutivo Peter Worrell de Bigelow LLC sobre los negocios y la influencia de Ayn Rand en su trayectoria empresarial.

Becarios preguntan a becarios: David Kelley entrevista a Richard Salsman

18 de enero de 2023
Únase a nuestro fundador, el doctor David Kelley, en una sesión especial de "Scholars Ask Scholars" en la que entrevista al doctor Richard Salsman y habla de la actualidad, la trayectoria intelectual de Salsman y su trabajo actual.

La Sociedad Atlas pregunta a Eric July

11 de enero de 2023
Únase a la directora ejecutiva Jennifer Grossman en el 135º episodio de La sociedad del Atlas pregunta, donde entrevista al escritor, creador, músico y comentarista político Eric July sobre el exitoso lanzamiento de Isom, su primer cómic del Rippaverse, y sus opiniones sobre el estado actual de la política estadounidense. Eric July irrumpió en la escena del cómic con la exitosa venta anticipada de más de 3 millones de dólares para lanzar su propia marca de cómics "The Rippaverse". El rapero y popular creador de YouTube es también cofundador de Being Libertarian, colaborador de contenidos de The Blaze y crítico abierto del entretenimiento de los medios woke.

Promovemos el Objetivismo abierto: la filosofía de la razón, el logro, el individualismo y la libertad.