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Does "capitalism" have Marxist roots? Should we use "free market economy" instead?

Does "capitalism" have Marxist roots? Should we use "free market economy" instead?

January 31, 2024

Question: Does "capitalism" have Marxist roots? Should we use "free market economy" instead?

Answer: Interesting question, but I would say, ‘poisoned genealogy’ is not a good argument. Where the word came from is not as important as whether it is a good concept, a useful concept. Now, and there’s a good principle here: Don’t let your enemies take your stuff.

In this case, Capitalism is a very good word. Economically, capital, it means resources that are deployed for productive purposes; land, machinery and the most important resource, the individual human being taking charge of their life and becoming productive. I think that is a wonderful use, that concept of human capital. To say that individuals are responsible for themselves and that’s precisely what capitalism, the head, puts front and center.

I’d also say that free market capitalism is of course very good, but markets are slightly secondary. Markets are a social institution. People coming together to trade with each other, but it presupposes that you’ve got individuals who are taking charge of their own productivity. The individual capitalist is fundamental. Markets are secondary. So, I like capitalism a little more as a broader label.

Stephen Hicks Ph.D.
About the author:
Stephen Hicks Ph.D.

Stephen R. C. Hicks is a Senior Scholar for The Atlas Society and Professor of Philosophy at Rockford University. He is also the Director of the Center for Ethics and Entrepreneurship at Rockford University.

Es autor de El arte de razonar: Lecturas para el análisis lógico (W. W. Norton & Co., 1998), Explaining Postmodernism: Escepticismo y socialismo de Rousseau a Foucault (Scholargy, 2004), Nietzsche y los nazis (La navaja de Ockham, 2010), La vida empresarial (CEEF, 2016), Liberalism Pro and Con (Connor Court, 2020), Arte: Modern, Postmodern, and Beyond (con Michael Newberry, 2021) y Eight Philosophies of Education (2022). Ha publicado en Business Ethics Quarterly, Review of Metaphysics y The Wall Street Journal. Sus escritos se han traducido a 20 idiomas.

Ha sido Profesor Visitante de Ética Empresarial en la Universidad de Georgetown en Washington, D.C., Profesor Visitante en el Social Philosophy & Policy Center de Bowling Green, Ohio, Profesor Visitante en la Universidad de Kasimir el Grande, Polonia, Profesor Visitante en el Harris Manchester College de la Universidad de Oxford, Inglaterra, y Profesor Visitante en la Universidad Jagiellonian, Polonia.

Es licenciado y máster por la Universidad de Guelph (Canadá). Se doctoró en Filosofía por la Universidad de Indiana, Bloomington (EE.UU.).

En 2010 ganó el Premio a la Excelencia Docente de su universidad.

Su serie de podcasts Open College está publicada por Possibly Correct Productions, Toronto. Sus conferencias y entrevistas en vídeo están en línea en CEE Video Channel, y su sitio web es  

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