In the United States, no government censor can stop the publication of media content—print or digital—through the use of prior restraint. African Americans descended from slaves are now active, influential citizens participating in all walks of life in the world’s most powerful liberal democracy. Even among other liberal democracies, the United States stands out as “exceptional” in protecting free speech and free expression thanks to a robust interpretation of the First Amendment.
CRT aims to annihilate the souls of white people, to morally paralyze them via a protracted process of induced guilt, shame, embarrassment, and extortion.
Cancel culture is inconsistent with the ethos of free enterprise, innovation, and discovery on a number of levels.
A century ago, as the post-war world struggled with recovery from the Spanish Flu pandemic, totalitarian movements rose to power and would go on to shake the very foundations of human civilization. Two ideologies, German National Socialism (Nazism) and Soviet Communism, left behind a legacy of mass death, unparalleled destruction, and soul-shattering poverty.
I was born under the flag of the People’s Republic of China, a country that remains under the absolute rule of the Chinese Communist Party to this day. I have very few memories of my early childhood in mainland China, save for a visit to the Forbidden City—a brief tourist stop when my family traveled to the American consulate in Beijing to apply for a visa.
As Americans are repeatedly warned about a spike in coronavirus cases just as state governments have begun to allow us leave our homes and
I was 27, and wasn’t thinking about how to make myself look younger -- particularly not when dating a man 13 years my senior.
I have been asked, as CEO of The Atlas Society: Why did The Atlas Society not take bailout money from the federal government?
This humorous quip should not detract from the fact that many individuals in the United States (including me) own and carry a firearm for purely pragmatic reasons. The simplest case for the right to keep and bear arms can be summarized in one sentence: You are ultimately responsible for your own safety and security.
“I’m calling the police,” my mother said from her upstairs office. When I ran upstairs to find out what she was talking about, she was on the line with 911, telling them about the partially clothed adult male stumbling around the drive to the terrace where my parents and immediate neighbors live. I took a video here.
As the health and economic effects of Covid-19 intensify, we asked philosopher and The Atlas Society Founder David Kelley, Ph.D. to outline
Last month, I was called to jury duty. Here in the US, many people, instead of seeing jury service as a quintessential civic duty, regard
The USA was in decline for the last decade, falling to 16th in 2015, but is now catching up to the world leaders. Canada’s Fraser Institute
As with most people, my working schedule has been blurred. With colleagues in different time zones, 24/7 emails and texts, I can’t remember
Bjorn Lomborg’s diagnosis: Decades of climate-change exaggeration in the West have produced frightened children, febrile headlines, and
Postmodernism is a sprawling movement centered on the conviction that the modern world’s most distinctive achievements—among them the rise..
It’s an interesting question to me, because most often the envy charge is used against socialism, or any kind of outcome-egalitarian form
The ghost of Karl Marx, a specter that haunted Europe for over a century, was finally exorcised when the Soviet Union abolished its.....
Intellectual battles are the cognitive lifeblood of a healthy society. Life is complicated and the stakes are high, so thoughtful and